Dear Valued Clients, Please be informed that Giovannette & Co. will be temporarily closed for business from 1st November 2024 to 30th April 2025. We sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to serving you with enhanced offerings in the future. Warm regards, Giovannette & Co

La Vie En Rose Bouquet La Vie En Rose Bouquet La Vie En Rose Bouquet La Vie En Rose Bouquet

La Vie En Rose Bouquet



An arrangement of our freshly picked premium roses wrapped in modern style by our expert florist brings together an abundance of rose blooms in soft and bold blend. This delightful creation helps you to express yourself in a beautiful and meaningful way. 

  • Flowers: 24 stalks of roses (for Large size) & 36 stalks of roses (for Extra Large size), eustoma, gypsophila, carnation, seasonal secondary flowers & foliage. 
  • Approximate Dimension:
    • Medium: D - 45cm, H - 40cm 
    • Large: D - 55cm ; H - 58cm 
    • Extra Large: D - 70cm ; H - 70cm 

Available Add-On: 

  • Graduation Bear 

Message card is included. 

PLEASE NOTE: The picture displayed is for reference only. Individual arrangement is an artisan design exclusively for you using the freshest seasonal flowers available. The final product may not resemble the picture entirely.