Prestige Heart Shaped 200 Roses Bouquet (Fresh Flower)
Elegantly curated by our skilled artist with premium fresh roses in pink & purple hues with 5 meters LED stary lights wrapped in style, this bouquet is the best way to deliver a romantic surprise.
Approximate Dimension: D-82cm ; H-70cm.
- Fresh flowers: 200 stalks of premium rose in pink & purple hues.
- Message Card
- 5M LED starry lights
Approximate weight: 20kg. This bouquet is not suitable for hand carry.
Minimum of 3 business days pre-order in advance.
Do feel free to contact us at WhatsApp: +65 94876579 or email: if you like to you another colors of roses for this bouquet.
PLEASE NOTE: The picture displayed is for reference only. Individual arrangement is an artisan design exclusively for you using the freshest seasonal flowers available. The final product may not resemble the picture entirely.